Selected green tea – your source for quality and enjoyment

Find out why green tea is praised for its health benefits, how to determine real quality and how the aromatic diversity differs from variety to variety. This clear guide teaches you how to prepare tasty infusions and explains the cultural background of this traditional drink.

Frau mit Tasse in der Hand lächelt

Key facts at a glance

  • Green tea has a long history and diverse varieties, with origin, harvest time and processing methods such as steaming (Japan) or heating (China) being crucial for taste and quality.

  • In addition to its rich taste, green tea is valued for its health benefits due to its antioxidants and vitamins.

  • To enjoy green tea optimally, it is important to prepare it correctly with appropriate water temperature and steeping time, as well as using suitable accessories such as Kyusu teapots and large tea strainers.

Discover the world of green tea

Different types of green tea

Green tea, an integral part of the cultures in Japan and China and is popular worldwide for its fresh taste. Its diversity is breathtaking, with countless varieties coming from the two main species of tea plant, Thea assamica and Thea sinensis. From Sencha to Genmaicha, each variety of Japanese green tea has its own identity and flavor that makes it unique.

If you want to buy green tea, you should find out about the origin, the tea leaves used and the way in which the tea was grown and processed. By knowing these factors, you can better assess the quality of the tea and enrich your tea experience.

Green tea: origin and history

The origins of green tea date back over 4,000 years to China, where the tea plant has been cultivated since the 6th century BC. is grown. Buddhist monks brought green tea to Japan in 805 AD, which had a significant impact on the development of Japanese tea culture.

The first green tea in Japan was kept away from fermentation processes by heating the leaves after harvest, a method that dates back to the 8th century in China. In the 16th and 17th centuries, green tea reached Europe and began to spread throughout the Western world.

This rich history has greatly shaped the legacy and presence of green tea in today's world.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Aside from its rich flavor and deep-rooted history, green tea is also known for its numerous health benefits. Traditionally, green tea is valued in Chinese medicine for its antioxidant properties and positive effects on the cardiovascular system. In fact, regular consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant that can protect the immune system. Green tea is also a source of vitamin C and zinc, which support the immune system. It also contains amino acids, chlorophyll and minerals, all of which are beneficial to health. However, with all these health benefits, it is important to note that excessive consumption of green tea, especially more than 10 cups per day, can cause negative health effects such as liver damage.

The art of green tea production

Green tea picking

Did you know that the way green tea is produced varies greatly and has a significant impact on its taste and quality? Yes, making green tea is an art that requires careful precision and knowledge.

In Japan, the tea leaves are exposed to steam for about two minutes, while in China the leaves are heated in hot drums, pans or pots. These different methods lead to the diverse flavor profiles we find in different types of green tea. Chinese methods can produce different flavor profiles in green tea through different degrees of roasting.

The time of harvest also has a significant influence on the quality of the green tea, with the first flush in spring being considered to be particularly high quality.

Chinese green tea production

Green tea leaves

Green tea from China is known for its high quality and rich variety. The “Ming Qian” tea, which is harvested before the Qingming Festival, is particularly prized. The quality of green tea is also categorized according to the temporal context of the harvest – “Yu Qian” before and “Guyu Cha” after the Guyu rain.

The Chinese methods of processing green tea are as diverse as their tea varieties. Freshly harvested tea leaves are quickly dried to prevent oxidation. This can be done by drying in pans or woks or over charcoal. Certain green teas from China, such as Longjing, undergo careful hand shaping after roasting, giving them a recognizable flat shape.

Japanese green tea production

Tea shading

In Japan, however, the processing of green tea is characterized by treating the leaves with steam to prevent oxidation. You may have noticed that Sencha, the most commonly consumed green tea in Japan, has a distinctive needle-like shape. This is the result of rolling the tea leaves on special machines after steaming.

Japanese production also creates unique green teas such as Hojicha, which is roasted over charcoal, offering a delicate roasted aroma with flavors of nuts, caramel and malty sweet aromas. Bancha, an extremely tasty and refreshing tea that is drunk on every occasion in Japan, is also particularly popular.

Popular green tea varieties and their flavor profiles

Sencha preparation from above

Besides all these facts and information, what really matters is the taste and experience that the tea offers. There is a large selection of popular and aromatic green teas, which primarily include Sencha and Matcha.

Sencha, the most commonly drunk green tea in Japan, is made by briefly steaming the tea leaves and is known for its refreshing and slightly grassy taste. Matcha, on the other hand, is a finely ground green tea powder rich in amino acids and chlorophyll, and offers a distinctive umami flavor coupled with health benefits.

Organic quality and sustainable cultivation

When buying green tea, it is also important to pay attention to the following points:

  • Organic quality: Organic products are produced in accordance with EU organic farming legislation, which requires organic production and animal welfare.

  • Sustainable cultivation: Make sure that the green tea is grown sustainably to protect the environment.

  • EU organic logo: Consumers in the EU can find the EU organic logo on pre-packaged organic foods. This logo is ensured through detailed records and controls by private and government entities.

By keeping these points in mind, you can ensure that you are purchasing high quality and environmentally friendly green tea.

In addition, direct tea trade improves the living and working conditions of tea farmers and helps prevent child labor, while reducing the risk of pesticide contamination for consumers. Sustainable tea traders purchase tea directly from small farmers without intermediaries to create social and economic benefits for local communities.

Enjoy green tea properly

After exploring the world of green tea, it's time to enjoy a cup of your own! For an aromatic infusion of green tea, the correct dosage, water temperature and steeping time are crucial, and the tea leaves need enough space to expand.

Green tea should be prepared as follows:

  1. The steeping time should be 1 1/2 to 2 minutes to avoid bitter substances. The exact brewing time can vary depending on the quality of the tea.

  2. Green tea should not be brewed with boiling hot water. The ideal water temperature is between 60° and 80° C.

  3. Incorrect preparation, such as too high a temperature or too long a steeping time, can result in a bitter or fishy taste.

Green tea accessories

To optimize your tea enjoyment, you can use various accessories. Kyusu teapots from Japan are particularly suitable for preparing green tea because they have an integrated tea strainer, enhance the taste of the tea and give it room to breathe. Teapots should be made from natural materials such as clay rather than uncoated metals to maximize their health benefits.

In addition to teapots, stainless steel tea strainers are also a good alternative to ceramic strainers. They should be large enough to give the tea leaves room to develop. Large mesh size of tea strainers is important to maintain healthy suspended particles in the tea, and tea eggs are not recommended for high quality green tea.

When you're on the go, transparent tea glasses with a stainless steel tea strainer are a practical alternative so you can enjoy green tea while traveling. Visit our online tea shop for further information and products related to tea.

Exotic green tea blends

At the end of our journey into the world of green tea, we would like to introduce you to some exotic green tea blends. These blends, influenced by local culture, reflect the importance of tea in social gatherings and hospitality in different parts of the world. Each green tea blend has its own flavors.

From Moroccan Peppermint to South African Rooibos Green Tea Mix, from English Country Garden Blend to Aztec Turmeric Blend from Mexico, each of these blends offers a unique flavor experience that transports them to different places around the world. Whether you're looking for a hint of spice or a burst of freshness, there's an exotic green tea blend that will delight your taste buds.


From the rich history and diverse varieties to the health benefits and art of tea making, the world of green tea shows a fascination that goes far beyond a simple cup of tea. Every cup of green tea you enjoy is a tribute to millennia-old traditions, carefully preserved methods and the hard work of tea farmers. So, next time you drink a cup of green tea, take a moment to appreciate the heritage, culture and art contained in each cup.

frequently asked Questions

What is green tea healthy for?

Green tea is healthy because it contains valuable flavonoids and amino acids. These have a positive effect on protection against various diseases, reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure and have a protective effect on the immune system.

Is drinking green tea every day healthy?

Yes, 3-4 cups of green tea daily is healthy, but do not drink more than 10 cups as it may affect your health.

How much green tea can you drink a day?

You should drink about 3-4 cups of green tea per day to benefit from its healthy properties. It is recommended not to drink more than 10 cups a day as it may affect health.

When is it best to drink green tea?

It is best to drink green tea some time after a meal, i.e. on a full stomach, to avoid irritation of the stomach lining.

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