Matcha Macaron's Recipe

You need something sweet for coffee or tea – but only something small? Try one of our great Matcha recipes and spoil your loved ones with the French specialty Matcha Macaron!
Matcha Macarons Rezept von Matcha Magic zum selber backen

Delicious Matcha Macarons

You need something sweet for coffee or tea – but only something small? Try one of our great Matcha recipes and spoil your loved ones with the French specialty Matcha Macaron!

Ingredients for approx. 36 Matcha Macarons

  • 4 egg whites
  • 200 g peeled, ground almonds
  • 250 g very fine sugar
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon matcha for baking (recommendation: Matcha Zen)

Ingredients for the cream

  • 120 g cream cheese without additives
  • 150 g butter
  • 60 g icing sugar
  • 3 tablespoons finely ground pistachios

Preparation of Matcha Macarons

The preparation does not take much time, therefore first heat the baking tube to 150 °C in top and lower heat and already prove your baking sheet with baking paper. Now beat the four egg whites and lemon juice to a stiff snow and slowly add the sugar. When the egg white is firm and shiny, gently understate the ground almonds mixed with the matcha for baking. Fill the mass into a spray bag that has a large round spout. If you don't manage to fill the bag so well, put it in a cup, then don't stick so much next to it.

Now you spray small balls about 2 cm in diameter on the sheet metal. Let the macaroons rest on the plate for about 20 minutes, so that a small crust can form on the surface. Control the heat in the oven and the macaroons can be in. Baking time about 35 minutes. Leaving the oven door open a gap, because it is more of a "drying" than really "baking".

During the rest and baking time you can prepare the filling. Beat the butter and icing sugar frothy and then stir in small amounts with the cream cheese and the ground pistachios. When the macaroons have cooled (they don't get that hot), spray the cream with the spray bag with a small star spout on to the flat side of a macaroon and cover with a matching half. Carefully press slightly.


Matcha recipes are a real eye-catcher due to the exceptionally green color of the pastry. Once you've managed the macarons, you can put them in a bowl or on a plate and decorate with icing sugar or some matcha powder. Serve a matcha tea!

Enjoy your Matcha Macraons wishes you your team from Matcha Magic!

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